As we continue our journey together, we wanted to update everyone on our progress and offering.
We have now been open for (believe it or not) 3 months, hopefully we have got the start of the offering that we ultimately feel that our clients deserve, however as we mentioned in last months post, please let us in know how we can improve our offering.
We have been super busy through July as we continue to grow and grapple with the increasing numbers of members, we hope that as we progress to a fully fledge business we do not sacrifice some of the important customer service principles that we pride ourselves on.
Our July Boot-camp, with Ricky has proven to be extremely successful, culminating in our breakfast kindly supplied by Bob and Bert's, (thanks Colin). It's great to welcome all our boot campers now as members as they continue to progress on their fitness journey.
Our next boot camp, now running in August, was over subscribed again, and started on Monday, this time be headed up by Gillian....................hope you enjoy and have fun!
We have revised and improved our class timetable further during July, and we have already some more plans in place to launch in September. Check out or Facebook page for the most up to date version, again we are keen to add to our 2000 likes, when visiting the site, could you Like / share and invite friends, or leave us a review. Have you also checked out our photos, we have 3 budding photographers constantly taking snaps and we have posted some on our site.
July was a big month for football, with the amazingly successful Dale Farm milk cup. It was humbling to meet some of the guys at our Gym, congratulations to the organising committee, and all the stars of the future who participated.
We have also carried out some analysis of the members that have joined us, and are excited to report, we have identified that over 80% of our new members are new to training. Our original business plan was shaped towards offering a facility that would be ideal for athletes at any stage of their fitness journey, we have amended our offering to be more applicable to new trainers, and hope that everyone finds our facility to be welcoming and user friendly.
We have also taken on-board some of your suggestions and have amended our opening times, opening earlier on Saturdays now from 6.30 to facilitate our clients who at the weekend are keen to join us even earlier.
Richard Kernohan